We’re thrilled to welcome Taylor DeLange to our senior model team this year. Taylor is a senior at Zeeland High School, where she enjoys participating in the dance program. Taylor is passionate about ethical practices for animals, and animal cruelty is a hot topic for her. She became a vegetarian for a few years in an effort to stand against animal cruelty in the food industry.
Ask Taylor how she feels she can have an impact among peers, and she’ll tell you she does her best to be kind, to avoid gossip, and to build others up. Self harm and domestic abuse are injustices that break her heart, and she hopes to have a positive impact in the world by starting where she can have influence–right where she lives, dances, works and socializes. We love that!
Taylor’s mom wrote these things about her in her referral letter: “I think she is a good role model in her love and passion for dance and all the dreams she has for her future. We aren’t sure where she will be going with dance, but we are so proud of all she has done along the way. Managing such a busy schedule and keeping up with her schoolwork have proven to be quite a task….”
Taylor, you’ve rocked both elegance and glam in this year’s group sessions. So glad to have you!