Artful Quick Pics : : Aug 24

We know this session arrives at the peak of summer, but we all have to admit that school will sneak up just around the corner. We love the intersection of sunny beach days and back to school shopping at this time of year, which is why we’re thrilled to offer our latest: Artful Quick Pics at the Holland Area Arts Council.

Bright colors and creativity collide in these five minute, modernly-styled sessions, which include a free session fee and two simple options for purchasing fully edited images: 1 image for $75, or 5 images for $125. Your child or children will have an interactive art experience, and you’ll have gorgeous images of your ever-growing, ever-changing cuties just before the new school year begins. Our quick pics are the perfect opportunity to capture your kiddos throughout the year at these energized sessions crafted to fit every budget. Email to reserve your spot.

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