Zealand High senior Aubrey is committed to living a life that stays true to who she says she is and who she wants to be. She has a strong desire to help other girls to see that they are beautiful, and that it’s important to be comfortable in their own skin.
A member of NHS and the president of her class, Aubrey also stays busy in her mentoring role through the ZLinks program at school, and she has spent time coaching 5th and 6th grade volleyball as well. In the future, Aubrey would like to find ways to support sports programs for Autistic children. She wants her peers to know that no one has it all figured out, but that it’s important to shine just as you are.
We loved reading what Aubrey’s mom wrote this about her in her letter of recommendation. Here is an excerpt: “Aubrey has a natural beauty in her spirit. This shines through her eyes as she smiles. (Yep, I am her mom and am very biased. ☺.) She is an amazing young woman that has chosen a path of faith, strength, encouragement, respect and love. This path has been a challenge for her at times, as you can imagine being a high school student. She has taken on what is presented to her and learned and developed in a positive way. I am extremely proud of her academic accomplishments as well as her accomplishments on the volleyball court but more importantly who she is growing into as a woman.”
Thanks for adding your time and talents to the Embolden team, Aubrey! You’re a gem!